Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Flex Documentation and Studies

Flex.org is the place to go if you are serious about learning Flex. They have many of the resources you will need to get started. Just don't get ahead of yourself and get overwhelmed by the data overload of information that is available.

Personally I have been working my way through the documentation and trying to keep from jumping ahead. In the past I have taken programming courses and it seemed that as soon as I actually started to actually 'get' something it would be time to move on to the next subject. This is a great way to learn a {little of a lot}. Since my ultimate goal is to become an expert at developing RIA's I have decided that I am going to take my time and actually practice and enjoy the new things I am learning. There is SO much to learn and if you are not careful you will not be able to accomplish anything except wasting your time.

My recommendation is to go check out Flex.org. Try to work through their instructions.

If you happen to get stuck on a subject, try to move to the next. Sometimes you will experience a flash of understanding and be able to go back over the problematic areas and work through it with no problem.

I don't think I have had this much fun experimenting and learning with computers since the early 1980's. I have been writing any ideas for projects I get so that once I know how to make them a reality I will actually know what to work on.

Well, back to training for me. I have an entire world of knowledge to wrap my mind around..Somehow :)

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